The HKIB values views and suggestions from its members and encourages members' involvement in the Institute's future development. We encourage members to attend the Annual General Meeting which is a great platform for members to better understand the management and development plans of the Institute, while allowing the Institute to hear views from members and exchange ideas.
NOTICE is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) will be held at The Penthouse, Level 24, Hang Seng Bank Headquarters, 83 Ves Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong on Thursday, 27 June 2024 at 6:00pm for the following purposes:
1. To Receive and Consider the Chairman’s Report and Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 December 2023
2. To Elect Members of the Executive Committee
3. To Appoint Auditors for the Year of 2024
4. Any Other Business
Please enrol for the AGM on or before 6:00pm on 25 June 2024 (Tuesday) using the QR code below:
If you are unable to attend and would like to delegate your vote to the Chairman of the Meeting or another Member attending the meeting in person to vote on your behalf, please complete the Form of Proxy accordingly.