Cross-boundary / GBA Business
Click the below link for the course details:
Credit Assessment of Corporate Borrowers in Greater Bay Area (GBA) [Click HERE for details] 21 Nov 2024 (Thu) | 12:00nn - 2:00pm [Virtual Classroom]
Click HERE for more courses or contact us for any tailor made courses by email or call us at 2153 7800
- The Opportunity of ETF and How ETFs Fit Into a Diversified Portfolio
- Alternative Financing: China REIT Establishment
- Become a GBA Champion in Corporate and Commercial Banking
- China's Going Out Strategy: CSRC New Administrative Measures Of Overseas Securities & Cross Border Banking Services In Belt & Road Countries
- Certificate in Fintech Management in the Greater Bay Area
- Common Reporting Standard – How to deal with the Mainland China / PRC implementation & PRC clientele?
- Common Reporting Standard – The Regional Authorities’ Response & Establishment of Risk Culture Impact upon Hong Kong and Mainland Chin
- Corporate Governance for Fraud Prevention in Banks with China Business Exposures
- Cross-Border Financing of Greater Bay Zone of Guaugdong, Free Trade Zones & Nationwide Prospectus
- Digital Branding Strategies for SME and Retail Banking in Greater Bay Area
- Differences of Practical Issues of Foreign Debt between Greater Bay Area and other Regions
- Differences of property Development Financing between Mainland China and Hong Kong
- Differences of Regulatory Requirements and Structures of Bank Financing for Privatization between Mainland China and Hong Kong
- Embracing the Banking and Fintech Opportunities in the GBA
- Fraud Prevention with Mainland China Business Exposures in view of Banking Corporate Governance
- Greater Bay Area Wealth Management Connect - Business Outlook & Opportunities
- Insights of Infrastructure Projects in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area (“Bay Area”) from Banker Lenders’ Perspective
- Importance of Credit Assessment for the Growing Business Opportunities of Corporates in the GBA
- The Opportunities and Challenges of Wealth Management Connect
- Wealth Management Connect - Business Outlook, Opportunities & Latest Pilot Programme Development
- Regulatory Updates and Enforcement Cases for Financial Institutions
- Southeast Asia Financial Market and Banking Sector Outlook
- Structure of Vessel Financing in China and Hong Kong
- Update on the Foreign Exchange Regime for PRC Cross-Border RMB / Foreign Currency Financing
- 大灣區課程:香港及中國房地產融資策略概況
- 大灣區課程:香港另類金融產品市場及專門基金市場概況
- 大灣區跨境理財通策略系列之 一) 內地投資者理財趨勢圓桌論壇
- 大灣區財富管理的策略演練
- 中國經濟及金融業務課-民生概覽
- 跨境理財通風險與趨勢
- 粵港澳大灣區跨境理財通發展機遇
- 粵港澳大灣區的金融業務機遇前瞻
- 粵港澳大灣區跨境理財通及境外房地產融資的新機遇
- 香港及中國房地產融資策略概況
- 「雙循環」及「十四五」背景下內地銀行業發展趨勢與策略
- 「內銀港知」系列課程 : 「二十大」政策解讀與港澳 兩地金融市場的業務機遇
- 「內銀港知」系列課程 : 從中港兩地法規及銀行的角度看跨境理財通
- 「內銀港知」系列課程 : 中國銀行業法律法規概要 (QCBP 複習班)
- 商業銀行數碼化轉型中的個人客戶應用的風險思考
- 「內銀港知」系列課程 : 碳中和背景下的能源行業發展趨勢與挑戰
- 「內銀港知」系列課程 : 碳中和與轉型金融
- 2022年環球宏觀趨勢分析及資產配置策略分享
- 「內銀港知」系列課程 : 內地“雙碳”戰略規劃及科技賦能
- 「內銀港知」系列課程 : 兩會政策與宏觀經濟形勢解讀
- 連接中國與世界 - 內地債券市場及債券通機制下的機遇
- 「內銀港知」系列課程 : 內房債市場對投資者和市場的影響及聚焦中美地緣政治衝突的大變局時代
- 「內銀港知」系列課程 : 內地銀行業法律法規基礎概要
- 「內銀港知」系列課程:「三聯通,三便利」:探索金管局和人民銀行 六項深化香港和內地金融合作的措施
- 「內銀港知」系列課程: 第二十屆三中全會解讀與美國總統選舉及其對中美博弈的影響分析