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Date (dd/mm/yyyy) |
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25/11/2024 | 今日銀行業非昨日銀行業 (Chinese version only) |
28/10/2024 | 培訓港銀人才鞏固防騙屏障 (Chinese version only) |
30/09/2024 | 職場幸福感助提升銀行競爭力 (Chinese version only) |
26/08/2024 | 為綠色人才庫注新動力 (Chinese version only) |
24/06/2024 | AI發展下的金融人才 (Chinese version only) |
27/05/2024 | 加强銜接支援 壯大港人才庫 (Chinese version only) |
25/03/2024 | 銀行業應如何看待人工智能? (Chinese version only) |
26/02/2024 | 招攬外地專才需防「水土不服」 (Chinese version only) |
29/01/2024 | [Oped] 銀行業培訓新招解「才」困 (Chinese version only) |
29/07/2024 | 聚集高端人才穩固銀行業發展優勢 (Chinese version only) |
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) |
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27/11/2023 | [Oped] 港銀仍面臨人才短缺挑戰 (Chinese version only) |
15/11/2023 | HKIB Talent Development Survey 2023 |
30/10/2023 | [Oped] 為國際資管中心留人才 (Chinese version only) |
25/09/2023 | [Oped] 如何連接銀行業人才與未來 (Chinese version only) |
28/08/2023 | [Oped] 年輕人投身銀行業好時機 (Chinese version only) |
31/07/2023 | [Oped] 年輕人投身銀行業 宜早展開職涯規劃 (Chinese version only) |
26/06/2023 | [Oped] 參與人才調查 助銀行業發展 (Chinese version only) |
29/05/2023 | [Oped] 互換通助人民幣國際化 (Chinese version only) |
24/04/2023 | [Oped] 港銀行業蓄勢 迎接Web3時代 (Chinese version only) |
27/03/2023 | [Oped] 制定風險評估框架 提升網絡安全意識 (Chinese version only) |
27/02/2023 | [Oped] 政商積極出訪推廣 港人才庫注新動力 (Chinese version only) |
23/01/2023 | [Oped] 凝聚銀行力量 支持人才發展 (Chinese version only) |
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) |
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27/12/2022 | [Oped] 跨境交流恢復 會聚金融人才 (Chinese version only) |
28/11/2022 | [Oped] 多層次交流助金融科技人才發展 (Chinese version only) |
01/11/2022 | HKIB Talent Development Survey 2022 |
31/10/2022 | [Oped] 銀行業調查助人才新措施落實 (Chinese version only) |
24/10/2022 | HKIB Talent Development Survey 2022 - Infographics (English version only) |
03/10/2022 | [Oped] 香港銀行家峰會為金融盛事熱身 (Chinese version only) |
01/08/2022 | [Oped] 年輕人對投身銀行業有誤解 (Chinese version only) |
27/06/2022 | [Oped] 銀行業助港提升人才競爭力 (Chinese version only) |
30/05/2022 | [Oped] 大灣區潛力厚 青年須把握培訓機會 (Chinese version only) |
27/04/2022 | [Oped] 大學生銀行業界宜共同「超前部署」 (Chinese version only) |
28/03/2022 | [Oped] 推動金融科技人才邁向專業化 (Chinese version only) |
07/03/2022 | [Oped] 銀行業宜及早建立綠色金融人才庫 (Chinese version only) |
24/01/2022 | [Oped] 支持香港金融發展 銀行業宜擴人才庫 (Chinese version only) |